Yoruba Language Course: Description
What Yoruba language courses do Ayekoo Afrique offer?
Yoruba (single lesson)
- 60 minutes per session
- Personalised lesson plan
- Prompt feedback and dedication from instructors
- Lesson recorded on demand
- After class care
- Class recorded on demand
11% Off
- 6 Lessons in package
- 1-on-1 Classes
- Lifetime access to the course instructor/mentor
- Classes and after-class are available on Zoom, WhatsApp and Facebook.
- All features of the single plan included
13% Off
- 12 Lessons in package
- 1-on-1 Classes
- Lifetime access to the course instructor/mentor
- Classes and after-class are available on Zoom, WhatsApp and Facebook.
- All features of the single plan included
Course features:
– 6 Lessons
– One-On-one Classes
– Lifetime access to the course instructor/mentor
– Classes and after-class practices are available on both Web and Mobile across Video friendly and chat platforms like Zoom, WhatsApp and Facebook.
– This course has been taught to Ayekoo Afrique students from the USA and UK for over 80 hours.
Who is this course for?
This course may be eligible for:
– People who have little knowledge of the Yoruba language.
– People who grew up around Yoruba speakers but want to learn how to speak fluently on their own.
– Understanding the Subject Pronouns
– How to refer to people and places
– Possessive Pronouns and verbs
– How to reference ownership of your properties
– Asking questions and answering them
– How to use past tenses, future tenses, continuous tenses and present tenses.
– How to tell time
– The days of the week
– The months of the year
and much more!
Course features:
– 12 Lessons and more. You get to learn as much as you want to.
– One-On-one Classes
– Lifetime access to the course instructor/mentor
– Classes and after-class practices are available on both Web and Mobile across Video friendly and chat platforms like Zoom, WhatsApp and Facebook.
Who is this course for?
This course may be eligible for:
– People who have Basic knowledge or A1 level of the Yoruba language.
– People who grew up around Yoruba speakers and can speak a regular amount of Yoruba, but want to get better and more fluent with it.
This course focuses on ensuring your total fluency in Yoruba language. Learning Yoruba for Business and Shopping.
Featuring most used words, proverbs, myths and tell tales.
Brief facts about Yoruba language.
– Yoruba is one of the three main languages spoken in the most densely populated country in Africa– Nigeria.
Yoruba is the most widely spoken African language.
Spoken by 50 million people worldwide across 6 continents, making it the most well known indigenous Nigerian language.
– It is also the only indigenous African language that has indigenous roots and people outside of Africa. In countries like Brazil, Haiti, Jamaica and Cuba.
– Yoruba is the language of the Yoruba people and it is spoken in parts of Togo, Ghana, Republic of Benin, Sierra Leone, Brazil, Cuba, and the Caribbean.
– The Yoruba language has been and is still carefully studied by Scholars and taught at university level to foreigners
Origins of the Yoruba Language.
This linguistic unity of many west African languages can be traced back to deep prehistory from over 10,000 years ago.
The origin..
However, literary Yoruba, also known as the Standard Yoruba (that is officially accepted now and taught for educational purposes) was born around the 1840s and 1850s when the first native African Anglican bishop, Samuel Ajayi Crowther published a Vocabulary of the Yoruba language and began translation of the Bible.
This contributed heavily to the study of Yoruba and enhanced it over time with the help of his valuable insights within the languages of Nigeria.

Why Learn Yoruba?
Aside from the fact that Yoruba’s linguistic history dates to prehistory, Yoruba is also the most widely spoken African language outside of the continent. That fact alone highlights the importance of learning Yoruba. The language not only gives a vivid glimpse into the history of Nigeria, but it also has traces of Arabic influence that opens a window into the rich history of the language.
The Yoruba language
This is the language of immense respect and integrity. The showing of respect in speech is one of the unique features of this language. Learn Yoruba online to have a holistic experience of learning Nigeria’s culture, history, customs, and mannerisms.
What do you get when you take Yoruba lesson? The norms and beliefs associated with Yoruba culture are equally seen in the structure of the language as well.
Your ticket to Nigeria
When you choose to learn Yoruba, you are handed a ticket to the southwestern part of Nigeria as learning the language gives you second hand exposure to the Yoruba culture. A culture with rich history in beautiful sculptures and mythological deities. You will see clearly in the structure of the language how much value Yoruba people place on respect.
Why do you need a Yoruba Tutor?
Yoruba language is easy to learn via textbooks or movies. But it’s identification as a tonal language might make it tricky for some English speakers. There are just three basic tones, and they can be combined together as one word to create rising and falling tones. This can be challenging sometimes as even the slightest deviation can completely alter the meaning of a word.
With a Yoruba Tutor, you are properly guided through every class on how to pronounce words syllable by syllable to get each tone right. It is our desire that you become fluent in Yoruba language and so there are after-class exercises and personal practice sessions, between you and your tutor to ensure continuous use of the words you learnt in class.